Privacy Policy
As a coaching client, you entrust your coach with personal and possibly sensitive information.
We understand how important it is for you to be confident that this information is confidential and secure.
This privacy policy includes details about Nutrisay Coaching; the type of information we collect; how we use, store it and keep it secure; how long we keep the data for and your rights regarding this data.
This policy applies to data gathered from our website (nutrisay.com), from email or social media interactions and to data provided by clients in written form.
You are encouraged to read this policy carefully. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about our privacy practices.
Who are we?
Nutrisay Coaching is the business name used by Slavena Jensen, Anmore Road, Denmead, Hampshire PO7 6NW (07393 406878; slavena@nutrisay.com)
What information do we collect?
We collect the following types of personal client information: name, age, address, contact details (phone and email), GP contacts and next-of-kin, relevant medical history, weight/height, dieting history, usernames for food, exercise or weight tracking apps, social media usernames, bank details.
This data is collected in the following ways:
enquiries from the Nutrisay Coaching Facebook page, Instagram or Messenger
contact form via Nutrisay.com (name, email address, phone number)
provided by the client in their PAR-Q pre-consultation form (name, age, address, contact details (phone and email), GP contacts and next-of-kin, relevant medical history)
provided by the client (tracking app usernames)
receipt of fee payment (bank details)
Fee payments are made by bank transfer; client bank details will show on the Nutrisay bank statement only (accessible only to Slavena Jensen).
How do we use personal information?
Information relating to your health (weight, medical history, BMI, food intake, activity levels) is used to inform your coaching sessions and help you to make and monitor progress.
Contact with your GP or another health professional may be required in certain circumstances but only with the client’s full, written consent.
Contact information may be used for delivering marketing communications regarding Nutrisay Coaching’s services, arranging access to your Google Drive online resource or for passing on other relevant content.
Contact information will also be used for invoicing or receipts.
What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?
Your personal data including weight and medical history are held on the grounds of vital interests – this is to keep you safe and ensure that advice given is suitable for each individual.
Contact details are held on the grounds of consent: these will have been provided by you either through our website, email contact or social media interaction.
If you no longer wish Nutrisay Coaching to hold this data, inform us in writing and it will be deleted or destroyed.
When do we share personal data?
We will treat your personal data confidentially. It will not be shared with or disclosed to any third party without your prior consent.
Where do we store and process personal data?
Paper records in the form of brief session notes are kept at Anmore Road, Denmead, Hampshire, PO7 6NW.
Clients are identified by initials only.
Data is digitally stored at Anmore Road, Denmead, Hampshire, PO7 6NW on a password-protected laptop with full third-party security software. Where data is accessed through a mobile phone, the device is fingerprint protected.
How do we secure personal data?
Data including contact details and personal information is stored securely on a password-protected laptop with full third-party security software. Other data is stored on the cloud in Google Drive, with personal folders only shared with each individual client. Google Drive folders can be accessed via Slavena Jensen's smart phone. Both the phone and the Google Drive app are fingerprint protected.
How long do we keep your personal data for?
We keep your coaching records (including session notes, weight trackers and food diaries) for 3 years after the end of your coaching arrangement. This is to allow for the maintenance of a full record of the coaching should you pause and re-start the process.
Digital records will then be deleted permanently from any devices and from the Google Drive cloud storage platform.
Contact details will be retained unless the client asks for them to be deleted.
Any paper records will be shredded and disposed of.
Your rights in relation to personal data
You have the right to:
request access to your personal information
request corrections or deletions
withdraw your consent for the storage of your data
lodge any complaints about the handling of your data with the Information Commissioner’s Office
Please email any such requests etc to hello@nutrisay.com
Please note that it may not be possible to fulfil certain data subject requests in some circumstances, eg if to do so would expose the data of another individual.
How to contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about how your data is handled, please contact Slavena Jensen in the following ways:
Email: hello@nutrisay.com
Post: 39 Anmore Road, Denmead, Hampshire PO7 6NW
Linking to other websites / third party content
There may be links from our website to external sites and resources. These are provided for interest and information and we do not take any responsibility for the content or information contained within.